Heritage of Healing
This podcast episode delves into the traditional practice of curanderismo, focusing on the relationship between an apprentice and her master healer, La Maestra Michelle. Michelle explains the various types of curanderos and their specialties, which include massage, midwifery, herbalism, and spiritual healing. The episode also discusses the interchangeable use of terms like curandera, shaman, and medicine person, as well as the cultural roots and misconceptions surrounding these practices.
Listeners are cautioned that the podcast is for entertainment and not medical advice. The episode highlights the importance of lineage and the apprenticeship process in becoming a curandera, emphasizing the long-term dedication required to master the healing arts.
Heritage of Healing
Manifesting Miracles
What if your heart held the key to unlocking miracles in your life? Master Curandera Michelle reveals the heart’s unique intellect as a powerful essence, separate from the ordinary mind, and shares how this magnetic force extends beyond our bodies to connect us with our supernatural selves. We explore ancient teachings, like limpia cleanses and guided visualizations, designed to illuminate this inner light of pure love. Together, we navigate the barriers to accessing heart radiance, such as stress and the ego, and remind ourselves that this divine essence remains undiminished, always within reach.
In an exploration of spiritual potential, we discuss supernatural abilities, from seeing auras to manifesting intentions, drawing inspiration from spiritual leaders across cultures, including Egyptian and Tibetan traditions, Indian gurus, and Jesus Christ. Through stories of miraculous manifestations, like the golden egg materialized by an Indian guru, we emphasize the power of focused intention. Encouraging a mindset steeped in love, we highlight practical steps such as meditation and positivity, guiding listeners towards profound spiritual experiences and personal transformation. Embrace the love vibe and help spread this powerful message by connecting with us on social media and leaving a review on iTunes.
Follow us on Instagram @CuranderaPodcast
Do you need a miracle? Are you in a position where you truly need something supernatural to happen for you? If so, then this episode is for you. We are talking about the power of heart radiance, but don't be too fast to blow the topic off. After all, you know, if you don't take care of your heart, it'll kill you. But is there an energy from that very same heart that can actually create miracles and a more vibrant life for you?
Speaker 1:Michelle has a mind-bending explanation of the heart's power. Listen in. In previous episodes, michelle has taught us about two major energy sources that exist within us. One is sexual energy and the other is the energy of heart radiance. As is becoming the norm in this podcast, michelle talks about ancient and divine knowledge that science is only just starting to catch up with. She mentioned something about the energy of the heart being detectable outside of the body.
Speaker 1:I did a quick online scan to just see what the scientific community was discussing on the matter. You can do your own research and you'll spend quite a lot of time in technical journals, but one theme was easy to come by. It's the explanation of an electrocardiogram, or ECG. This tool measures the magnetic field around any part of the body. What heartmathorg discusses is how the heart's magnetic field encircles the entirety of the body and is detectable up to several feet away from the body. Your heart's energy truly does surround you, which is interesting. But then what? What do we do with this energy? And how did Michelle get tapped into the concept, the teachings?
Speaker 2:around. This came to me through visions over a number of years, and in those visions I was taught about the intellect of the heart. The intellect of the heart is a different intellect than the ordinary mind of faculties that we use to function in our ordinary life. The heart has its own intellect, its own mind, its own essence, and that essence is very powerful. And so the word the heart radiance captures what happens for a person when they're in the intellect of the heart. That radiance, that power of light comes out from inside you. It's sitting inside every single person, no matter who we are, how we are, how we live our lives, the kinds of things that we do. That essence of light is inside of us, and that essence of that light is love. It's what gives us life. Without it we wouldn't exist. It's the essence of God within us, it's the essence of the creator within us, and so that radiance is very miraculous.
Speaker 1:Fascinating, especially when you consider what you already know about the heart. For example, even when the brain is essentially offline altogether, as long as there is an oxygen source available, the heart can keep beating and can therefore sustain a life-dependent process. We're learning more and more about how the heart has at least 40,000 neurons. Some call the nervous system of the heart the little brain itself. We've said over and over that we do not offer medical advice, nor are we a source of information for Western medicine, and that remains true. So, getting back to the roots of curanderismo, I wanted to know what the ancient teachings suggest that this powerhouse, this little brain, or this magnificent heart radiance, might be able to accomplish.
Speaker 2:When I'm working with a person, I like to get them on the table doing a limpia cleanse and I do a guided visualization. I take them into the heart chakra, into the heart itself and dive them into that deeper essence, the hidden chambers of the heart. I ask them to see it like a million suns inside of them, radiating that light around them, within them, in their blood, in their bones, in their problem, in their situation, because it transforms everything. Imagine that, creating a field around you just pure love. Imagine what that would feel like to be in that essence of pure love, no judgment, no resentment, no lower frequencies, no ordinary mind, no stress, just the essence of pure love is the heart radiance. When we tap into that radiance, we connect to the supernatural parts of ourselves and there you create miracles.
Speaker 1:What might impede a person's heart radiance? How might that radiance be lowered or shrunken down by?
Speaker 2:people's egos and by the ordinary mind and the ordinary reality around us. The stresses that we go through, the busyness, the toxicities of that busyness and all of the things that happen were just their layers that are blanketing the hidden chambers of the heart. So it's that light can never be dimmed or changed. It is what it is. It's the essence of God within us. It's the essence of that radiance of love, that radiance of light within us. We get blanketed of light within us. We get blanketed. Let's say you look at a situation. Let's say you fall in love with someone and when you fall in love with them, oh, all that magic comes up and out right and you're just dancing on life and you are not paying attention to the ordinary things that could hurt you or could be a problem, and so you're just in the bliss of being in love, and being in love is very magical. You can be in love with a baby.
Speaker 2:When you have a baby, you're just like this precious little creature with your little children or your grandchildren or whatever you could be in love with another human, when a relationship and that essence of the radiance, the intellect of the heart, gets opened up and all of those blankets just come off, even if they're temporary. They come off and you're in that essence and it's oh, my God, this is just, you're just thrilled, right, you're walking on water, and then what happens is maybe your partner breaks your heart or something happens and it closes back in and it gets blanketed. It doesn't die. It doesn't die, it gets blanketed and it goes back into its shell. It has to have the environment around us. We have to create that environment within us in order for it to open up and for us to begin to experience it and express it outside of, let's say, being in love. And so some of the ways that you would do that, they're very spiritual in essence.
Speaker 2:You would come back in and you would do some meditation practices or visualization practices, prayer reading, holy scripture, being in solitude, removing the outside world and the outside nonsense, so you can cultivate those moments to tap in to the essence that's inside of you, to the sacred heart within you, that hidden chambers of the heart, the treasure. It's a treasure within you, it's a treasure within everyone. It's very beautiful, very profound. We have glimpses of it. It's also we feel it in the orgasmic state, where you tap in momentarily into that bliss. The idea is to get to that space of ecstasy and that space of that hard-rehearsed, that love, that bliss, that joy, without anyone or anything, in the sense of you're not using wine or alcohol or drugs or sex to get there. You're using your methodologies, ancient wisdoms to get back in there, so that you can use this radiance, this fuel, this energetic fuel of love to create all kinds of miraculous things.
Speaker 1:If we feel that our heart radiance is blanketed? How might we lift off those blankets and how long might it take?
Speaker 2:I think first you have to have the awareness that, hey, you have this treasure inside of you. That's number one and to think about what that treasure is and what is blanketing it. So when you have that awareness and you're saying, okay, let's say it's a heartache or let's say it's just financial stress or something like that, and you're going to move those things temporarily, you're going to suspend them from you like you do when you have an orgasm. When you're having an orgasm, I can guarantee you you're not thinking about the bill you have to pay tomorrow.
Speaker 1:You know what I mean.
Speaker 2:You're not thinking about that. You're just having that pleasure, that ecstasy for that moment, and so you have the capacity to do that through a meditation. Is this something that's five years that you have to do to tap in? No, no, not necessarily. If your mind is fixated on the things of the world that are blanketing you, or of the experiences that you've had, you do a little bit of work of getting that out of the way, momentarily, every day. And how do you do that?
Speaker 2:Meditation is a beautiful practice. For that. Listening to music is a beautiful practice. Guided visualizations or visualization bringing the light into your body and just relaxing, getting into a tranced state without any substances, is a beautiful way to do that. And if you start out, I always say this don't add stress and homework to yourself. Where you're already stressed out, what good does that do? Say to yourself I'm going to do 10 minutes before I go to bed, when I'm relaxing, I'm going to do a meditation at that point and I'm just going to clear my mind. I'm just going to clear my mind. I'm just going to be in that relaxed state and that nothingness for five minutes or 10 minutes, and that's it. And just keep doing that. Don't think of your problem or the heartache or the lower frequencies of things that are the wars. There's wars and there's politics and COVID and all of this stuff. Don't think about all of that. Just come back into yourself and say for right now I'm going to tap into the place of myself. That is very beautiful and very loving unto itself.
Speaker 2:I'm just going to be in that space for five minutes, for 10 minutes, and start there, because that's not overwhelming. Everybody can take five minutes at the end of the day when they lay down in bed to do a guided visualization. Now some masters will say you have to do it in a more rigid way. I remember when the Tibetan monks lived with me and I would lay on the ground to do my meditation and the monk he would say you can't do that. You have to sit up straight and you have to pull the right, the out of the right side of the column of the spine. You have to pull the red light and bring the blue light down and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You have to do it very rigid.
Speaker 2:And I was like no, there's lots of saints and mystics that just can lay on the ground and do it, and I'm one of them, and so I'm living proof that it can happen in a different way, without the rigidity, without people getting all stressed out over trying to create a spiritual practice, and these are methodologies that our traditions teach us, right In our Native American ways. The drum is one way you can listen to the drumming, the rhythmic drumming that connects you to the heartbeat of the earth, in your own heartbeat. You can do breathing exercises that really bring you into a calculated breath, where you're just breathing, you find the one thing that works for you to begin to tap in and then after, let's say, after about a month, maybe you want to add instead of 10 minutes, you want to do it for 20 minutes or 30 minutes, at which point you begin to see differences inside of you, in your mind, in your feelings, in your emotions, and you begin to become a little bit altruistic.
Speaker 2:You start to feel the oneness around you and the love inside of everything that is even though people are not everybody is expressing love, but you tap into what is underneath and it creates a lot of changes. It creates a lot of opportunity for healing major things as well. And that's where the miracle essence is inside of you, inside of me, inside of every person. Is that heart radiance, it's the intellect of the heart, it's those altruistic ways of seeing and being and operating which is beautiful?
Speaker 1:What does it mean to be supernatural, and what does being supernatural have to do with Heart?
Speaker 2:Radiant. When you go in to that miraculous state of being, you are supernatural and you can develop capacities that are extraordinary, outside of the ordinary. When you're creating with the essence of a million suns, with that heart radiance, with the impact of the heart, you began to have supernatural experiences. They're not things that you're thinking about with the ordinary mind. They're things outside of the ordinary mind. They're in the mind of the heart, which is connected to the cosmos. It's connected to all dimensions. So what happens in that is that you begin to have things happen to you Like. You actually start seeing auras. You can see people's energy, you can see the patterns of the energy. You start to dream. You have spiritual downloads come to you that are knowings of things. You have the capacity to think something and then it happens, positive or negative, you have all kinds of capacity. Maybe you go out of body, maybe you could have a remote viewing session. They're part of the repertoire of who we are spiritually, and so when you look at supernatural, you say that's spiritual. So think about a ghost, for example, and let's say you see in a movie and you see a ghost. They come right through the wall. What is that? It's the frequencies. The energetic frequencies are different and they have the capacity to move through matter. A lot of people see UFOs and they see them going to a mountain or into a lake, into the ground. What is that? It's the shift of frequencies. It's something that we would consider miraculous or super high technology, but it's supernatural abilities.
Speaker 2:The ancients, our ancient ones, in my bloodline, in your bloodline, they definitely knew it. And you can look all around the globe and say, well, you could say, the Egyptians, the Tibetan lamas, the Indian gurus and yogis, jesus Christ, they're all doing it and they're saying, hey, look at this, this is what you can do too. I was invited many years ago when I was on the current of my books that I had published back then, and I was invited to go do a speaking event in Denver and there was this Indian guru that was there and he manifested a gold egg, a golden egg out of his left hand and everybody was like that's a magic trick. And no, it wasn't a magic trick. He could manifest anything. He had that capacity and that ability. He was really tapped in that way. I can't manifest, I don't have the ability yet to manifest a gold egg, but if I did, I would be doing it very often and giving those eggs out to people who need it.
Speaker 1:I know I'd actually like for you to focus on that a little bit and giving those eggs out to people who need it.
Speaker 2:I know I'd actually like for you to focus on that a little bit. Okay, I better get to work, but that's something that many have, those capacities. I have to be careful what I think, because I'm tapped in to the intellect of my heart, to the heart radians and if I have a negative thought, I have to be very careful because it will occur and I don't want the negativity. I think that's the piece of having some tremendous self-control, self-awareness and really tapping into what I call the love vibe. It's the love vibe and we tap into that and we have to stay there. We have to pull ourselves back. We're not in hatred and in anger and in despair and in sorrow, because those are lower frequencies and those don't serve us and once you begin to tap in, you have to pay attention to that.
Speaker 2:There's a lot of medicine people that say I got to be really careful. They know and I know in that. So, going back into what types of things can we do and how do we get there? It is through the practice of removing the ordinary mind into the extraordinary mind of the heart.
Speaker 1:How might we know if we're tapping into heart radiance? What are some things we might see or feel that let us know? This is the energy that we are in right now.
Speaker 2:I think it's feeling love and not being consumed with the outside world. It's the internal and you begin to feel your spirituality outside of the human existence. When I go into my 10 minute meditation at night or into kind of my release of any thought and just be, and then I start to see synchronicities happening or that thing didn't bug me as much as it used to bug me, or you just let it slide off because you're really cultivating something, or you have those altruistic moments or that connection to the sunset or to the leaves or to a child or in loveness with life. Those feelings start to come up. Those are spiritual kind of. They're telling you something, they're signs, right, you start to pay attention and you start to feel you operate differently and that to me, means that you're connecting to the heart, you're connecting to that radiance and you're connecting to the pieces of you that are supernatural.
Speaker 2:One woman, she said to me I was doing what you told me. I turned off the news and I just start doing the dishes, and when I'm doing the dishes I'm praying. She's very Catholic. I'm praying, I'm praying. She said, you won't believe it. I could feel like the love of Christ inside of me. I could feel it. I'm like keep doing that. See, that's a simple practice where she wasn't distracted by anything else, just going inward while she was cleaning her dishes, and that began to create a shift. So there's different ways to do it. Those are a couple of taking that 10 minutes. But removing the nonsense from the outside world begins to bring you in to the inside world and into the heart, into that place of love.
Speaker 1:That's awesome. What is the last word on heart radiance that you want to leave the listeners with?
Speaker 2:Is to be in love with love itself. Love begets love, right, and so it's to be on that love vibe. Be on the love vibe, because that is going to transform you as an individual, whoever you are listening. That is it.
Speaker 1:That is it for this week's episode. If you're getting anything out of this show, please remember to leave us a rating and a review on itunes, and please share this podcast with anyone who you think might be interested in it or benefit from it. Also, don't forget to follow us on instagram at kudandera podcast. The link is in the show notes to stay in touch with michelle and me Until next week.